
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain
5 miles round trip to rock pile | 2,200 feet elevation gain

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness sign nailed to a Cedar in the Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

To all of you exercise freaks and masochists out there: have I got a hike for you! The same goes for all of you either trying to get in shape or lose weight. Hunchback Mountain is STEEP... and according to my guidebooks it isn't even the steepest in the area! Granted, I am not in pinnacle shape. Far from it. At present, I am really only able to hike once a week, on Saturdays; and my weekdays see minimal-moderate exercise. So maybe this hike wouldn't have seemed quite so steep to a much more fit and athletic black watch sasquatch, but man!, this hike was no joke...

The good thing however is this: you're hiking to a ridge. The hike is only painfully steep during the climb up to the ridge. Once you reach the ridge, you'll find yourself on a much more level playing field comparably.

The first leg of the hike (the first half of the climb up to the ridge) is not bad at all. You're definitely ascending, but the climb is gradual enough that you really aren't going to be slowed down or winded too terribly. And it is, of course, beautiful down here. At the trailhead you'll pass by what appears to be an old abandoned Hobbit house (see below). To be honest, I'm not certain what this little structure used to be, but whatever it is, it looks cool. From here you start to climb gradually. I would encourage you not to look up. Just when you think you might soon be reaching the top, you realize you aren't even close yet.

In fact, rather than looking up, try instead to keep an eye downward and watch your step. This trail is home to large banana slugs (see below) that seem to thrive on danger- that danger being the boots of hikers. I had to side step a few of them, and I relocated a few more out of harm's way.

Here are some photos from that first leg of the hike- what I have dubbed "the calm before the storm":

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

When a tree falls and blocks the trail, you have to improvise - at the Hunchback Mountain trail - Mt. Hood National Forest
When a tree falls and blocks the trail, you have to use your imagination a little in finding a way around it

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

a Banana Slug at Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

About half way through your climb up to the ridge the going gets really tough. Just as you start to notice the burn in your legs, the steepness of the hike seems to double. This is the first hike I've taken since the inception of this blog where I had to periodically stop and take breaks. Physically, it was kicking my ass. I admittedly let out a few f-bombs to myself alone in the woods... (if the black watch sasquatch says the f-word in the woods and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?)

I started to daydream about the flatter, more enjoyable hikes of my past: hikes like the peaceful and easy Salmon River trail, just a stones throw away from this one. I never once wanted to give up and turn around, but if I had had a good reason to, I would have perhaps given in. I had never hiked so slowly in my life. 100 yards felt like a mile with the trail being this steep. At times the steepness forced me to walk on the tips of my toes for long distances, my heels rarely touching the ground. I was fatigued and growing more so with every switchback. I admit to myself that, no matter how much I loved hiking and the great outdoors, I was not enjoying myself during this portion of the trail. I wasn't having fun, per se. The beauty of the forest didn't matter because all I could think about was getting off this grade and to flatter ground high above. Like any burning work out, I was glad that I was doing it but impatiently eager to get it over with.

Now, it is difficult to capture the steepness of a mountain trail with a camera, think about it. But, photographing the switchbacks was the best means by which I could try to show you, the viewer, just how steep this trail was during this "second leg" of the trail. Here are my attempts below:

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

STEEP!!! - Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest
Bird Condominium Tower

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain - Mt. Hood National Forest

Finally, just when you hit that point where you don't know if your legs could take another 10 more yards of torturous incline, you reach the rocky lookout on the top of the ridge. For goodness sake, hiker, sit down and rest for a moment. The view from the ridge is magnificent, stretching out across the Salmon River valley below. Watch your footing up here, it is nearly a straight drop-off from the ridge, and your legs are more than likely going to be wobbly. I sat down next to a charred spot on the ridge where hikers must have built a campfire recently. For about 40 minutes I just lounged there looking out over the ridge and down into the heavily forested Salmon River valley below. I did not see a single other person on the hike on the way up; and now, at the top, I was still totally alone. I had the ridge all to myself. It was so peaceful and quiet.

Here are some photos taken from that first ridge:

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Once my legs were restored to questionable and mediocre health I decided to push on an extra mile to a rock pile with a view of Mt. Hood. The climb from the ridge up to the rock pile was far less painful than the initial climb up to the ridge itself, but it was still a climb to be felt in your already tired legs. The forest floor up here is very open, allowing you to see for long distances. At times it is almost hard to tell where the actual trail is given its likeness to the rest of the forest floor. You'll happen upon a bent and abused sign nailed to a tree that points you in the direction of the rock pile, just a short distance off the main trail (see below).

It was at the rock pile that something finally dawned on me: I was the only person on this trail. In William L. Sullivan's guidebook entry on this hike, he mentioned how the traffic noise from Hwy 26 will slowly grow quieter and quieter the higher up you go. Now, standing on top of the rock pile, I experienced utter silence except for a wind gust growing in strength. To my knowledge I was the only person on the trail. I had been the only car in the parking lot at the trailhead too. That feeling of being miles away from another human being, complete (or, seemingly complete) solitude deep in a wilderness- it is both calming and thrilling.

Here are photos from that third leg of the trail- from the ridge to the rock pile:

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest
Steep path up to the rock pile

Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest
Rock pile at Hunchback Mountain (those rocks are more like boulders- much bigger than they look)

Mt. Hood from the Hunchback Mountain Trail #793 - Mt. Hood National Forest
View of Mt. Hood from the rock pile at Hunchback Mountain

And even though I have been very eager to try other roadhouse-type restaurants in the Zigzag / Rhododendron area, I couldn't help but be drawn back to the Zigzag Inn for a personal pizza and an ice cold Ice Axe IPA brewed just right up the highway in Government Camp. I had roughly the same meal at the end of my hike of Salmon River Trail back in December 2011, which was the first hike I blogged about as Black Watch Sasquatch (and which I shot with a cheap point-n-click camera). A bit of nostalgia came over me. Due to winter and spring snow levels, Mt. Hood had largely been off limits to me, so I set my sights on the Columbia Gorge instead. Now, with summer finally here, the Mt. Hood National Forest has reopened itself to me, and I am very eager to tackle some of the mountain's greatest hikes over the coming months. But being that the Zigzag Inn treated me so well after my first hike as a blogger, I wanted to return, order the same thing, and slip into a tired but joyful state of revelry.

I ordered an Oregon Shrimp and Pineapple Pizza and a pint of Ice Axe. I destroyed that pizza in just a few minutes time.

Zigzag Inn

Oregon shrimp, black olive, and pineapple pizza at Zigzag Inn

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge

Tom McCall Point Summit at Tom McCall Preserve
3.4 miles roundtrip | 1,100 feet elevation gain

Balsamroot lines the Tom McCall Preserve trail - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
Balsamroot along the Tom McCall Point trail - Eastern Columbia River Gorge

East of Hood River, Oregon, right outside of a little town called Mosier via the twisty and gorgeous Historic Columbia River Hwy, lies the Tom McCall Preserve- a windy, wildflower paradise atop a plateau with excellent views of the river down below.

A circular parking area just off the Historic Columbia River Hwy (henceforth abbreviated as the HCRH) is a beautiful place for motorists to show off their cars as well as the starting point for two hikes: an easy one that brings you down to the edge of the plateau past a couple of ponds and a moderate-to-difficult one that climbs to a summit with a panoramic view to the west. It was the latter which I did today.

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River GorgeThe first observation I made when exiting off of interstate 84 and onto this eastern stretch of the Historic Columbia River Hwy was "man it is so pretty out here!" The dry Eastern Gorge looks and feels (and smells) very different than the wet Western Gorge, and I highly recommend Portlanders and others living west of the Cascades to jump over to the eastern side once in a while. It is such a beautiful change of scenery. The Eastern Gorge reminds me to an extent of certain parts of California, Idaho, and Colorado. Ponderosa Pines rather than Douglas Firs. Grassland rather than ferns. Wildflowers rather than moss. Dirt rather than mud. Sun rather than clouds. It is almost as if by driving through the town of Hood River you exit one ecosystem and enter an entirely different one (making the town of Hood River even more appealing than it already most certainly is).

The HCRH winds through the sleepy but charming town of Mosier and up into beautiful meadows. This short stretch of the HCRH between Mosier and Rowena is one of my favorite roads to drive. It is bucolic, breezy, manicured, twisty, a motorist's wet-dream. Growing up in the Midwest, with its dull, straight roads lined with flat, boring farmland, I only dreamed of one day living in a state with roads this exciting and scenic.

As I arrived at the circle drive/parking area at Tom McCall an Alfa-Romeo automobile club was just about to embark on their weekend drive. And I must say, what a perfect rendezvous point for a classic automobile club! I was able to park and take a few photos as the old, Italian beauties were melodiously buzzing out of the parking lot and down the HCRH's hairpin curves.

Here are some photos:

Alfa Romeo - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge

Alfa Romeo - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge

an Alfa Romeo club driving down the Historic Columbia River Hwy

Interstate 84, the Historic Columbia River Hwy, and the Columbia River - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
The twisty Historic Columbia River Hwy with Interstate 84 paralleling the river and heading east in the distance

Distracted by the Alpha Romeo's, each with their own snarl-y exhaust rips, it wasn't until after the car club left that I realized how dang WINDY it was out here! I didn't even bother wearing a hat, because it would've instantly blown off; and what would have otherwise been a hot day actually turned out to be borderline cold given the blasts of chilled air blowing in from the east. I began regretting that I only had a light long-sleeve shirt. But, thankfully, the upcoming hike was steep, so I immediately warmed up, even to the point of shedding the long-sleeve.

All those little yellow dots you see out there in the grasslands when you drive into Tom McCall, yeah those aren't dandelions. They're yellow balsamroot... and they are everywhere! And those little accents of purple you see amid the clusters of yellow are blue lupine! May is the quintessential time to visit Tom McCall for this very reason: Wildflowers!

Here are some photos of what to expect flowerwise:

Balsamroot - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge

Blue Lupines - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
Blue Lupine

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge

The hike leading up to the summit of Tom McCall Point is not the steepest hike I've ever taken, but it is pretty damn steep. You'll get a work-out, let's just say that. It's only 1.7 miles to the top, but you climb the entire time. By the time you finally get to the top you'll be eager to sit down for a moment. If this steep hike were much more than 1.7 miles one way I would likely classify this as a difficult hike rather than a moderate hike. The main reason I find it more moderate than difficult is because the brutal climb is over fairly quickly. So consider this a nice, quick work-out.

Here's a rough look at where you are going when you hike to the Tom McCall Point Summit:

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge

If it wasn't for the continual, strong winds I would've broken quite a sweat, especially given the sun, on this climb. Once you get to the summit I suggest sitting down and relaxing for a while. Take in the views and the wildflowers. On a clear day you'll see Mt. Hood's head in the distance behind the hills. On the way back down you'll have a bird's-eye-view of the little river town of Lyle, Washington, as well as interstate 84 and the twisty HCRH down below. Just keep an eye out for poison oak (see below).

Here are photos of the hike up to Tom McCall Point :

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
from the Tom McCall Point trail - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
Looking up at the summit of Tom McCall Point - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
Looking down at the parking area and plateau - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
The trail can get STEEP! - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Lyle, Washington in the distance - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
Lyle, Washington from the Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
The make-shift summit marker at the Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Summit at Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
View looking west from the summit at Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Summit at Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
Hikers on the summit at Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

View from Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
View looking west from the summit at Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia River Gorge
Hikers on their way back down with Lyle, Washington in the distance - Tom McCall Preserve - Eastern Columbia Gorge

But.... one a quick side note...


The hike up to the Tom McCall Point summit is full of some of the oiliest, nastiest poison oak I've ever seen, much of which lines the trail itself. If you don't know what it looks like, see below. It's a three-leafed plant: one leaf straight forward from the stem and the other two on each side. It is usually rather droopy as a plant too, and it is almost always close to the ground. I would highly advise you not to wear shorts on this trail, regardless of how hot it is. If you so do wear shorts make sure to wear high socks and pull them up. But even then, you had better watch where you're going. I have never personally experienced poison oak, but I've heard that once you get it, you will do whatever it takes to never have to endure it ever again.

One word of advice: this trail can get crowded, especially on spring and summer weekends, but the trail is also very narrow and populated with poison oak. Chances are you will have to step aside into vegetation to let hikers pass by, and when you do, watch where you step! When I was coming back down the trail a couple of hikers stepped aside to let me pass, and as I walked by I noticed they had stepped right into a bunch of poison oak. Luckily they had long pants on, but the oils on poison oak can travel on clothing and shoes, only to rain on your parade at a later time. So watch where you step, especially if you have to step aside to let fellow hikers pass. 

Here is what Poison Oak looks like. And note, it isn't always green. Sometimes, especially in the fall, it can take on a red color. And also note that is it not always this shiny either. This is some of the oiliest, nastiest poison oak I've ever seen. My wife, who's suffered through a bout with poison oak before, could hardly even look at these photos. So, apparently it is not a pleasurable experience.

Poison Oak

Poison Oak

Poison Oak

But let's shy away from that scoundrel poison oak and end this blog entry on a more jubilant, positive note, what do you say? Let's move away from poison plants and on to a delicious ones instead, namely locally-grown hops and cherries.

After hiking Tom McCall Point I was looking for any means by which to get out of the roaring wind and rest my legs. And what better place to do this than at Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom in downtown Hood River, Oregon? That's a rhetorical question...

Double Mountain makes some of the greatest beers I have ever tasted; and needless to say I have been eager to sample every damn beer they've ever crafted. I have also heard really good things about their pizza, but sadly I couldn't try it this time around- their kitchen was closed due to renovations and expansion (but hey, this is great news- Double Mountain is expanding!!). But no worries, I will return to Double Mountain over and over again in my numerous trips to Hood River. I will, in due time, gobble down a slice or two of their pizza, and wash each down with a beer of theirs I haven't tried yet.

I tried two today: the Gravity Mountain Collaboration IPA (a joint venture between two of Oregon's most beloved brewers- Double Mountain and Terminal Gravity) and the Devil's Kriek Fruitbeer (a tart Belgian lambic fermented with 200 pounds of locally-grown cherries). Both were absolutely outstanding! The Kriek's full-bodied cherry flavor reminded me of the cherry wines made in southwestern Michigan where my family and I used to vacation. Being a lover of IPA, I was especially fond of the flavor, mellow mouthfeel, and quality of the Collaboration. One of the most refreshing yet complex IPAs I've ever tasted.

Here are a few photos from Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom in downtown Hood River, Oregon. No, it isn't typically dusty, it's under construction:

Double Mountain Brewery - Hood River, Oregon
Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom - Hood River, Oregon

a Collaboration IPA at Double Mountain Brewery - Hood River, Oregon
Gravity Mountain Collaboration IPA (Terminal Gravity & Double Mountain Breweries) - Hood River, Oregon

a Collaboration IPA at Double Mountain Brewery - Hood River, Oregon
Gravity Mountain Collaboration IPA - Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom - Hood River, Oregon

Devil's Kriek at Double Mountain Brewery - Hood River, Oregon
Two cherry brews on tap at Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom - Hood River, Oregon

Devil's Kriek at Double Mountain Brewery - Hood River, Oregon
Devil's Kriek - Double Mountain Brewery & Taproom - Hood River, Oregon